#1- John 6:35...Jesus as the Bread of Life

#1- John 6:35...Jesus as the Bread of Life

The very first verse to be included on the labeling of each individual cookie is....

John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."

But, "what does it mean?" There are many interpretations and revelations that can spring from this beautiful aside form Jesus, but here's one way it has resonated with me lately.

This tidbit comes from Jesus after He finished feeding a hungry crowd of 5,000 people through blessing and multiplying 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Through His grace and will far more creative and beyond our human comprehension, He gave us a tangible example of His body and His miraculous ability to multiply and provide beyond what we even think is possible. Equating himself with bread is saying He is essential for life...and not just a physical existence- something that passes away and needs replenishing with each new day- but rather, eternal life. 

It is SO beautiful to recognize that bread is also a symbol of His body that we take and eat during communion. Communion can be as simple as sitting in remembrance of the sacrifice of His body and blood that He gave freely. This wasn't an easy thing given that He experienced the same feelings and temptations we do, as He was both God and human [Hebrews 5:8].

I would like to encourage you to consider taking communion, but not doing so to check off "to-do" task and consider yourself a good, practicing Christ-follower. You can go through various practices of faith such as communion, worship, fellowship, serving, YET completely miss the mark if you aren't doing these things with Jesus at the center of them. Rather than going through the motions, numb, sit in remembrance [Luke 22:19]. Ask the loving Father to soften your heart; sit in reflection not only of all that He endured, but why He endured it...because He loves you that much and wants you to see it, feel it, know it, and experience the depths of it. 

Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." What are you hungry for? What you consume and eat fills you [Proverbs 4:23]. What are you filling yourself up with? Is it temporary satisfaction and instant gratification of this world that fades almost as fast as it comes? Or is it the bread of life, Jesus who satisfies every deep desire when you seek Him. He has his arms open wide for you to come dwell with Him. There are no requirements or qualifications for you to be able to come to Him; nothing you need to "clean up" or fix of yourself and your heart before you're allowed to enter into His rest.

So come, eat this bread and do it in remembrance of His great love for you- regardless of who, what or where you are.

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