#2- 2 Timothy 1:7

#2- 2 Timothy 1:7

The second featured verse on Kingdom Cookies....

2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

A dear friend of mine, Collin, was the first to step up and order 3 whole dozen boxes of cookies upon my first sharing the idea that the Lord had put on my heart to start "Kingdom Cookies". In addition to spreading the gospel, this mission is also a way to spread a sense of honor and community for those around us that are gifts from the Father in themselves.

To start this practice off, I've asked Collin to share with me a verse on his heart recently, as well as choose the first ever ~special featured Cookie flavor~. From this, he felt as though 2 Timothy 1:7 was something that he was continuously encountering in his quiet time. Here's what it has meant to him:

"This bible verse recently stood out to me in my quiet time. To give some background, I recently had the opportunity to partake in a biblical fast. During this time, I felt super connected to God and the one consistent message that I was receiving was that I needed to become more bold in my faith. I’ve always been someone that struggles with the fear of failure, so verses like this that remind me to not give in to that fear are very helpful.

"This fear ultimately comes from a lack of understanding my identity and from trying to live in my own strength. Reading 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds me of my true identity the one that God has given me. And that identity is rooted in strength, perseverance, courage, and ultimately love for one another. Ultimately I pray that everyone that reads this verse is able to be reminded of the love that the Father has for you, and more importantly your identity in Christ."

We are so incredibly grateful for Collin and the example of a humble Christ follower and friend. 

Additionally, from the special preferences of Collin, we are excited to introduce the ..."Cinnamon Roll Cookie". Enjoy!

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